Design, Animation
"1:17 / 2024
A collection of my personal and commercial work.
"0:10 - "0:15 / beyerdynamic - SPACE MAX Features / all Aspects
"0:15 - "0:19 / Skincare R&D - Bubble Bottle / all Aspects
"0:19 - "0:23 / Schulthess - cleanJet / 3D & FluidFx
"0:24 - "0:25 / beyerdynamic - Black Friday / all Aspects
"0:26 - "0:29 / beyerdynamic - 100 YEARS / all Aspects
"0:30 - "0:31 / Voronoi Explosion / all Aspects
"0:32 - "0:35 / Knitting R&D #2 / all Aspects
"0:35 - "0:36 / Cloth Explorations #2 / all Aspects
"0:36 - "0:37 / Beethoven / all Aspects
"0:37 - "0:40 / Schulthess - smartHeat / 3D & FluidFx
"0:41 - "0:45 / The Right to Privacy / all Aspects
"0:46 - "0:48 / beyerdynamic - 100 YEARS / all Aspects
"0:48 - "0:55 / beyerdynamic - Pro X World / all Aspects
"0:55 - "0:58 / TFD Shockwave / all Aspects
"0:59 - "1:00 / X-Particles Spiral / all Aspects
"1:00 - "1:04 / beyerdynamic - SPACE MAX Features / all Aspects
"1:05 - "1:07 / Cinnamon & Sugar / all Aspects
"1:07 - "1:08 / Cloth Explorations #2 / all Aspects
"1:08 - "1:10 / Burnout / all Aspects
Design, Animation
Personal work / 2019
Shockwave animation with X-Particles and Turbulence FD.
Rendered in Redshift.
Design, Animation
B.A. Degree Project / "2:22 / 2019
The Right to Privacy was my Bachelor degree project at Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences. It's an explainer type of video featuring the receding privacy we are experiencing through goverments and private companies in our now highly digital and connected world.
Directed by: Andrés Watzal
Supervised by: Konrad Stäblein
Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences
Picture: PRISM Logo
From: Hart-Davis, Adam "PRISM logo" CC BY 4.0
Picture: Edward Snowden
From: Freedom of the Press Foundation "Edward-Snowden-FOPF-2014" CC BY 4.0 2014.jpg
3D Model: Kamera
From: starkerg "Surveillance camera with animations" CC BY 3.0
3D Model: Arm
From: turboyoyo "Human Arm", CC BY 3.0
Design, Animation
Clientproject / 33x "0:16 / 2016-2017
During my time at Quadrolux we had to create 33 different map introductions for the winter sports world cup, presented by ZDF.
Agency: Quadrolux GmbH
Design/Creative Direction: Quadrolux GmbH
Animation/Compositing/Technical realization: Andrés Watzal
Design, Animation
Student project / 2017
With the plastic pollution of the ocean in mind, we started creating this Spot to make people aware of the problem. We show a hard contrast to to the pictures that get normaly shared in the media. We went for images of animals and enviroment consisting complelty of plastic materials, but with a happy mood and bright colors. Unfortunately we could never finish the project.
Creative/Modeling/Rendering: Stefan Wagner
Creative/Shading/Compositing: Simon Fischer
Creative/Rigging/Animation: Andrés Watzal
Animation: Vanessa Schneider, Hamza Alpoguz
Visual Effects: Tim Kunz
Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences
Design, Animation
Student project / "0:13 / 2016
This project was for an assigment at Hochschule Mainz which later turned into a bigger but never finished 3D Movie targeting the plastic polluted oceans.
Creative/Modeling/Rendering: Stefan Wagner
Creative/Shading/Compositing: Simon Fischer
Creative/Rigging/Animation:Andrés Watzal
Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences
Design, Animation
Clientproject / "0:53 / 2016
Under the Slogan "Reflecta: Rethink your World", the Organization hosts festivals and events to deliberate and promote curiosity in our World. Togheter with two friends I got the opporunity to create a teaser for their upcoming festival in 2016. We wanted to show what Reflecta stands for, so we created that abstract piece which shows us a different world.
Director/Creative/Modeling/Animation: Stefan Wagner
Compositing/Creative: Simon Fischer, Andrés Watzal
Hearth Model- CC BY elZancudo,
Gears Model - CC BY Marcus Gnehr,
Book Model & Rig - John David Marte,
Design, Stills
Personal work / 2018 - 2020
Different Cloth Styleframes, Rendered in Redshift & Octane
Design, Animation
Personal work / 2019
Knitting R&D in Cinema 4D, rendered in Octane.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:07 / 2020
Short project to figure out the connection between C4Ds Voronoi Fracture, X-Particles and Turbulence FD.
Rendered in Octane.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:04 / 2020
Burnout Smoke Smimulation with Turbulence FD.
Inspired by the Nfs:Heat color palette, I created this short Animation.
Rendered in Octane.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:10 / 2020
X-Particle experiment, renderd in octane.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:10 / 2020
Houdini Smoke Simulation. Renderd in Redshift 3D.
Music: Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphonie Nr. 5 c-moll op. 67
From: Skidmore College Orchester
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:08 / 2020
X-Particle experiment, renderd in octane.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:08 / 2020
First attempt at a NOT so still life. Granular-simulation with Realflow for Cinema 4D and renderd in Octane.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:11 / 2021
X-Particles Grains. Renderd in Octane.
Design, Animation
Clientproject / "0:52 / 2020
beyerdynamic hired me to create a 3D-animation displaying their sales in their different productionlines and markets.
Design/Creative: Andrés Watzal
Sound: Dennis Reis
Design, Animation
Personal work / 2019
Experimentation with Voronoi Fracture in Cinema 4D. Rendered in Octane.
Design, Animation
"0:40 / 2021
During my time at Intervideo, we were tasked to show Schulthess new cleanJet technology. I did all the 3D-work from start to finish including the fluid simulations in Realflow as well as all lighting and rendering.
Client: Schulthess Maschinen AG
Agency: Intervideo Filmproduktion GmbH
3D Artist & Fluidsimulations: Andrés Watzal
Design, Animation
"0:45 / 2022
During my time at Intervideo, we were tasked to show Schulthess new smartHeat technology.
I did the fluid simulations, some texturing, rendering and lighting as well as the rain simulation.
Client: Schulthess Maschinen AG
Agency: Intervideo Filmproduktion GmbH
3D Artist & Fluidsimulations: Andrés Watzal
Design, Animation
"0:49 / 2023
During my time at beyerdynamic, I was tasked to show the new SPACE MAX speakerphones features.
I did all 3D- Work in the video including final compositing and animating the typography.
Company: beyerdynamic GmbH & Co. KG
3D & 2D Designer : Andrés Watzal
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:07 / 2024
Some personal vellum exploration in houdini.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:10 / 2024
I conducted research and development for skincare-related projects, using it as an opportunity to enhance my compositing skills in Nuke.
All 3D work was carried out in Houdini and rendered using Redshift.
Design, Animation
Personal Project / "0:07 / 2021
I had some leftover project files from the research and development phase
of a knitting-focused project, this time utilizing Houdini and rendered with Redshift.
Design, Animation
Clientproject / "0:59 / 2023
After my enriching full-time tenure at beyerdynamic, I had the honor of creating
their 100th-anniversary company video. The objective was to encapsulate the essence of the brand, highlight its innovations,and offer a glimpse into the future in a concise and captivating manner.
Given the substantial amount of information to convey, my former team here played a pivotal role
in meticulously planning this project. I returned to my roots, employing classical motion design
in After Effects for this endeavor.
Client: beyerdynamic GmbH & Co. KG
3D & 2D Designer : Andrés Watzal
Sound: Dennis Reis
Mixing: Philipp Schwenker
Voiceover: Timo Sämann